Document validation for a modern world.

Validate rental documents from applicants, easily. We make sure your rental applicants are providing their documents from trustworthy sources.

Trust your documents.

Drastically reduce your exposure to fraud

By downloading documents directly from the source, PDFProof ensures that documents cannot be falsified or edited before submission. This means you can rest easy, knowing your docs are guaranteed to be good.

Document forensics

If an applicant is not able to submit documents directly from a trusted source, we use advanced machine learning techniques to look at elements of documents that aren't visible to the naked eye to verify that a document is legitimate.



Scans the document for fonts that are known to be used in certain document types.

If we detect a font that is not usually present in a certain type of document, this is almost a guarantee that the document has been tampered with.

Model Documents

Compares documents to known good documents to assess the validity of document structure.

By comparing documents to model documents that we know to be good, we can assess what, if anything, has been changed.


Looks at information embedded within the document about how it was created and if it was modified.

These can be hints about if a desktop editor was used to edit the document, file modification timestamps, or deviations from known valid document creation methods.

Don't let doctored documents mess with your bottom line.

The prevalence of Photoshop® and document editors make documents less trustworthy than ever before. With evictions costing thousands of dollars in lost rent and legal fees, it's better to stop fraud before it walks in the front door.

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